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A whole bunch of cars in a 1953 Albuquerque traffic jam. The
convertible at front center and the parked car at near right both have 1953
Bernalillo County passenger plates. The view is looking east on New York
Avenue—now Lomas Blvd.—from the vicinity of Second Street.
Harvey Caplin photo, courtesy Rick Holben.
A 1950 Chevrolet Styleline sedan with a 1953 license plate from
San Juan County. In the trunk we see what appears to be a box of picnic
supplies along with a 6-pack of pop. Perhaps the unidentified woman in the
photo is preparing to set up for a picnic in the mountains. Scroll
down to the last photo below to see another view of this same car.
NMplates collection.
In 1953, Bud Myers, owner of Myers Motor Company, turned over a
new 1953 Buick to the Lovington High School driver education program. The
car is seen here on W. Jefferson Street in front of the high school, along
with a dozen or so students in the program. In the right background is the
old Central School. On the car’s front bumper is 1953 Dealer plate number
5D156. Standing, left to right, Estel Hudson (?), Eddie Mack Robinson,
Unknown, Milt Chrisman, Jack Glover, Allan Cunningham, Jack Carsrud, Arnold
Perez, Bill Maxwell. In the driver’s seat, Ruth Ann Maddin, in passenger
seat unknown. Standing in right foreground, Carroll Howard, driver’s ed
teacher. Courtesy David L. Minton.
A tractor-trailer rig
of unknown make is seen here putting the squeeze on a much smaller circa
1948 International truck in 1953. The 1953 truck plate on the International
is from Hidalgo County, and is what is sometimes referred to as a Type 2
plate for that year. New Mexico's truck plates from 1930 through 1953 had
the word TRUCK embossed vertically at the right side, but a relatively small
number of Truck plates in both 1952 and 1953 omitted the word, and therefore
were identified only by their being the reverse colors of passenger car
plates. Please see our Varieties page
for photographs of the two types for both years. NMplates
A circa 1952 DeSoto sedan with 1953 plates from Hidalgo County
(Lordsburg vicinity). NMplates collection.
1953 Commercial plate on a Chevrolet taxi, believed to be in
Albuquerque. Courtesy Rick Holben.
A long line of cars and their passengers await a pilot car to lead them
through this road construction site in the New Mexico mountains. The early ’50s
Cadillac caught at the tail end of the line has a 1953 plate from Guadalupe
County. NMplates.com collection.
This scene appears to show a ceremony where keys are being presented to
someone for the new 53 Lincoln Cosmopolitan 4 door seen at left. The State
Police officer on the left is Captain Bill Scroggins, but the other two
participants are unidentified. The photo was taken in Gallup. On the front bumper of the car is a 1953 Santa Fe
County plate. Courtesy Ron Taylor, NMSP Historian.
1953 Lea County plate on a circa 1953 Buick in front of the Lea General
Hospital. Courtesy David L. Minton.
A handsome pooch with his unidentified people, proudly showing
off their 1953 Bernalillo County passenger plate on a 1948 Studebaker
sedan. Author's collection.
1953 Passenger plate from San Juan County on a 1950 Chevrolet
Styleline sedan. The man sitting on the bumper is unidentified.
Author's collection.
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