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A 1929 Chevrolet truck-tractor with a 1929 commercial plate, pulling a rather long semi-trailer. The trailer itself appears to be homemade. (Note the trailer’s light-duty axle, artillery style wheels, and sagging frame.)  NMplates collection.



On the front bumper of this 1929 Cadillac Harvey Car is 1929 Commercial Car plate #102.  Photographer: Edward Kemp; Title: “Indian Detours” 1929 Cadillac, with John Nusbaum (driver) and Ann Cooper (courier), New Mexico; Date: circa 1929; Courtesy of the Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA); Negative Number 047178. 


Movie star Mary Brian introduced New Mexico’s new 1929 license plates with this sample.   Courtesy Paramount Pictures.

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